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Female Results

JEN B. | Online Coaching

COACH | Malin.

8kg's lost, 36cm down (waist, hips, legs).

JEN SAYS "Before coaching, I felt like I was stuck at my post-baby weight of 80kg and couldn't understand why I wasn't losing any weight considering I felt I was being active and eating "healthily". I also started being more and more aware that I was very comfortable making excuses, using the kids as "reasons" why I couldn't lose fat/exercise.

I felt overwhelmed because I didn't know where to start. I also felt isolated because in my circles wanting to change your body is kinda frowned upon because everyone is so accepting and touchy feely. I felt unattractive and hated clothes shopping. I got very frustrated with being unfit when I went back to rowing and just felt so out of shape.

The main result is my increased knowledge of nutritional facts/processes, awareness of my own habits and understanding of goal and priority setting. I am MUCH more aware of my eating habits and nutritional needs and how to align the two. 

In terms of my body, the weight/fat loss has to be the biggest result and, tbh, it's more than I ever thought possible.

I feel a lot more attractive and confident! 

I have loved fitting into old clothes again and buying new things in my pre-pregnancy sizes. Realising what my non-negotiables are (both in terms of training and nutrition) has been such an insightful journey.

I feel really positive about the future. I am more confident now than I was at the beginning of the programme that I will be able to achieve my one year goal. I'm thinking about medium term goals, as well, how do I want to look for a certain occasion/event etc.

I think my next goal will be to address body shape and focus on building muscle in certain areas in September/October before another (possibly quite intense) fat loss phase in November before going into maintenance in December. I would definitely recommend joining the program, because for me it has been life changing!"

ELISHA E. | Online Coaching

COACH | Malin
RESULTS | 7.5kg weight loss

ELISHA SAYS "In the past, I’ve been given calories to meet, but always found them too restrictive to maintain for longer than a month of two.

Before joining the program my struggle was knowing why / where I was making mistakes in order to not lose body fat, and I did feel I didn’t look as good as I ‘should’ (or wanted to!) considering how hard I trained.

I now know that it does take time! And effort. And consistency. And that scales aren’t scary, but just one tool to measure progress. Nothing worth having comes easily, but it’s so worth the results in the end!

I feel more confident in myself, in my appearance, and feel stronger than before; mentally, physically and emotionally. I know I can have setbacks or fall off the wagon a little, and that I won’t change as much as I always feared.

I’m now excited to build more muscle! I have a body I never thought would be mine, and so now I want to see how much stronger I can get. Muscles are the sexiest accessories.

I would recommend others to join the program (I already have)! I loved the personal approach and the weekly check-in; kept me accountable.

This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my body!

REBECCA B. | Online Coaching

8kg weight loss

REBECCA SAYS; "Before starting coaching, I felt OK, but I didn't feel confident or great about myself, and I also knew my weight was holding me back at the gym.

Investing 5 days a week doing CrossFit is a big deal when you've got a busy job and a toddler, so I was frustrated that I could give myself a chance to be better, but was settling for less.

Mal's literally turned around my relationship with food. I was so nervous about dieting and feeling hungry and miserable, but I could eat so much!

And introducing carbs meant that I felt so much more full.

Focusing on tracking calories was the key for me, while making sure I got the right balance of macros, give or take.

Mal kept it simple and was there ever step of the way to talk about practical and emotional challenges - she's a real expert and it's honestly changed my life. I've lost 8kg; over 10% of my bodyweight.

My goals have changed over time, and I'm still not as lean as I'd like, but I'm not scared of the process anymore - I feel completely confident and in control of my eating and know how to lose fat.

After the program, I now have a waistline. I've dropped a dress size (from a UK size 12 to a UK 10 - which I haven't been for over ten years).

I feel comfortable and confident in clothes, I'm being showered with compliments, and I'm smashing all my PBs at the gym. But most importantly, I'm not frightened to eat a jacket potato - my all-time favourite comfort food (in fact I have one most days for lunch).

I feel completely in control of my eating, and I don't feel guilty for eating out, having the odd takeaway, or munching on some chocolate.

My goal was to lose 6-7kg. I've lost 8kg. And my goals have changed. I'd like to lose another 5kg now, which would be a more ideal weight for my height and build. But I'm not rushing ahead. I'd rather do it gradually, and more comfortably.

I'll be 40 next year, and I never thought I'd be fitter than I ever have been, and as slim as I was when I was 18. I'm allowing myself to reach for bigger goals and PBs at the gym, and I'm starting to believe in myself a lot more.

I would absolutely recommend this program.

If you've struggled with diets as most women have, save yourself a whole load of heartache and cash, and work with Mal.

The tools and support the programme give you are tailored to you, and you can see the progress each week. Plus there's a community of other women who are going through the same process who you can lean on, chat with, and share ideas"

PRARTHANA K. | Online Coaching

COACH | Malin.
5.5kg's lost & 15cm down waist/hips in the initial diet phase.

PRARTHANA SAYS "Before starting with Malin I have tried high intensity training session with restrictive diet. it worked at first, but then I gained all the weight back.

My biggest struggle and frustration was I was gaining weight even though I thought I was being active and eating well. It stressed me constantly and more I tried less it seems to go in the right direction.

After being in this program not only lost weight but there were a lot of other gains as well. I feel stronger, I sleep well and I have more energy. After coming this far I believe if I continue in this path I could even transform my body beyond what I initially expected" 

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